Community Classes
MWR Community Classes
Rota MWR Community Classes offers our community the opportunity to learn new skills and improve existing skills. Learning throughout life is associated with greater satisfaction, optimism, and a better ability to deal with stress. Have you ever considered the importance of music and learning a new language in our and our children's development?
According to a study published by the American Psychological Association, playing an instrument as a child keeps the mind sharper as we age. Music-making, learning to, and speaking several languages, are linked to several health benefits such as lower blood pressure, decreased heart rate, reduced stress, and less anxiety and depression, which overall enhances our body's immunological response. The same can be said about dance, yoga, arts, and crafts! Anything we decide to learn will challenge and stimulate our brains and improve our well-being.
Rota Community, let's make "Learning" part of our daily schedule!
Services Offered
Right now, our participants have the opportunity to take the following lessons:
Piano, Guitar, and Spanish Lessons. We offer these classes to a variety of age groups.
See Community Classes scheduled in the vaMos! magazine for a more inclusive list of available classes, or browse through this site and call or email Auxi with any questions!
To register for classes or for more information, visit Liberty Center (Building #48) or call 956-82-2354 or DSN 727-2354. Liberty is open seven days a week from 1-10 p.m.
Become an Instructor
Community Classes instructors are military spouses, active duty military members, or local national contractors. Instructing allows them to benefit personally and professionally from integrating with the community. They are compensated for teaching something they enjoy, and they make their schedule based on their availability and our customers' demand.
If you were a violin instructor, tumbling, or computer instructor in the past, for example, and are interested in taking it up again, please get in touch with Auxi Carmona at Community Classes. A class can only be offered when a qualified instructor is available, so consider providing a service for the base community. We'd love to have you join our team!
For more information about classes or to discuss becoming an instructor, please call 956-82-2354.